Welcome! As I mentioned in a post that you can read here, this site name comes from an interaction I had with a popular radio show around the 2004 time frame. At the time, it wasn't quite as common to easily buy a domain, create content, and publish it. It was funnier then than it is now. Nevertheless, I have the domain and haven't done anything with in it the time I have had it. Except prove to everyone that I am self centered.
In early 2023, I decided to create a writing blog using this domain. My youngest child decided she was going to work with me on it. She has since gotten bored with it, mainly because it didn't get enought attention (I think). She is a smart girl and a great person. She just also happens to like attention. I hope that we will get back into it in 2025. I have some major projects around the house this year, so we shall see.
To visit the blog, just click here!